C++ CLI client

The implementation of the client application is available at the following Github repository

Docker usage

Build docker image

To prepare docker image with c++ implementation of tts client, open project’s main directory and run:

docker build -f Dockerfile-cpp -t tts-client-cpp:2.2.0 . 

Note: the build process may take several dozen minutes. If you don’t want to wait so long, use Python implementation instead. When the build process is complete, you will receive a message:

Successfully tagged tts-client-cpp:2.2.0

Run tts client

To use tts client on a Docker container, go to tts-client/cpp/docker directory and run run_tts_client_cpp.sh script.

To send simple request to the TTS service, use:

./run_tts_client_cpp.sh --service-address IP_ADDRESS:PORT --text "Sample text to be synthesized"

To print list of available options, use:

./run_tts_client_cpp.sh --help

Output audio files will be created inside tts-client/cpp/docker/wav directory.

NOTE: Unlike a local tts-client instance, the run_tts_client_cpp.sh script not allows to set custom paths to output files. Instead it uses predefined directory (wav). When using option: --output-file (-o), user should provide only filename.

Local instance usage


  • libtts-client Library implementing communication with Techmo Techmo TTS gRPC service.

  • tts-client Example of program using the library.

This project uses cmake build.


  • Boost provided as boost_pkg
    Default location: /opt/boost_1_74_0
    If not installed, from parent directory run sudo ./tools/install_boost.sh

  • gRPC provided as grpc_pkg
    Default location: /opt/grpc_v1.38.1
    If not installed, from parent directory run sudo ./tools/install_grpc.sh

  • OpenSSL provided as ssl_pkg

  • DL provided as dl_pkg

Proto sources

To build the sources from .proto, run:



mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j 4


./build/tts_client --service-address --text "Polski tekst do syntezy."


--help                Prints this help message.
--service-address     An IP address and port (address:port) of a service the client will connect to.
--out-path            A path to output wave file with synthesized audio content (optional, default: TechmoTTS.wav or TechmoTTS.ogg).
--text                A text to be synthesized (optional, default: 'Techmo Trybun: Syntezator mowy polskiej.').
--session-id          A session ID to be passed to the service. If not specified, the service generates a default session ID itself.
--grpc-timeout        A timeout in milliseconds used to set gRPC deadline - how long the client is willing to wait for a reply from the
                      server (optional).
--list-voices         Lists all available voices.
--response            streaming or single, calls the streaming (default) or non-streaming version of Synthesize.
--audio-encoding      An encoding of the output audio, pcm16 (default) or ogg-vorbs.
--sample-rate-hertz   A sample rate in Hz of synthesized audio. Set to 0 (default) to use voice's original sample rate.
--speech-pitch        Allows adjusting the default pitch of the synthesized speech (optional, can be overriden by SSML).
--speech-range        Allows adjusting the default range of the synthesized speech (optional, can be overriden by SSML).
--speech-rate         Allows adjusting the default rate (speed) of the synthesized speech (optional, can be overriden by SSML).
--speech-volume       Allows adjusting the default volume of the synthesized speech (optional, can be overriden by SSML).
--voice-name          A name od the voice used to synthesize the phrase (optional, can be overriden by SSML).
--voice-gender        A gender of the voice - female or male (optional, can be overriden by SSML).
--voice-age           An age of the voice - adult, child, or senile (optional, can be overriden by SSML).
--language            ISO 639-1 language code of the phrase to synthesize (optional, can be overriden by SSML).