REST status interface

For the REST Status interface to be available, the service must be started with the --status-address option. While interface is enabled, information about service status can be obtained by sending simple GET queries at declared address:


The example below uses the curl program to send the query:


The service sends back a response in json format. The answer includes information about the license, cache size, the service version, number of used channels and path to the voice configuration file.

Sample Response is presented below:

	"cache-size-MB" : "500",
	"license" :
		"channels" : "10",
		"valid-from" : "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
		"valid-to" : "2021-06-30 23:59:59"
	"stats" :
		"used-channels" : "2"
	"version" : "2.0.0",
	"voice-configuration-path" : "/tts-dnn/./resources/voice_config.json"