Service logs¶
TTS prints logs both as and console output (available via docker logs
command) and to text files.
The size of the produced files depends on the set logging level (available levels: fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace) and the number of supported sessions. Session data from each day is logged in separate files.
The file is changed also after exceeding the size of 10MB.
Log files are created in the default ‘data/logs’ directory and contain in the name the prefix ‘tts-service’ and the date and time of creation. The name of the current log file is changed with the change of date or after the file size exceeds 10MB.
Sample name for the log file from service launched on 07/24/2020 at 13:05:15:
Logged information has the following format:
[date and time] [level] [session id] Message
Sample fragment of logged data:
2024-01-23 08:28:48.460706 [info ] [20240123-082848-000] Handling SynthesizeStreaming with text: 'Dzień dobry!'.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.460742 [info ] [20240123-082848-000] Using default synthesis settings.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.460774 [info ] [20240123-082848-000] Using default output settings.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.460815 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Requested language: pl.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.460849 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Default voice 'masza' selected.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.460990 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Created 1 segments during SSML parsing of the requested text in 0 ms.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.461038 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Selected lexicon '#lexicon_pl' as the one matching the segment language.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.462138 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] [#lexicon_pl] Processing 'Dzień dobry!' with lexicon.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.462401 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] [#lexicon_pl] Processing result: (1/1)'Dzień dobry!'.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.462530 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Applied pronunciation lexicon in 1 ms.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.477278 [info ] [20240123-082848-000] Normalized segment: 'Dzień dobry!'.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.477331 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Created 2 segments during normalization of the requested text in 14 ms.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.477345 [info ] [20240123-082848-000] Transcribing: 'Dzień dobry!'.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.485785 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] IPA remapping time: 0 ms.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.495084 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Predictor time: 9 ms.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.495310 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Encoder time: 0 ms.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.603948 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Synthesized 40 kB of audio.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.604011 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Response delay: 143ms.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.607232 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Streaming 40 kB of audio to the client.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.607278 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Decoder time: 36 ms.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.607378 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Streaming overhead: 0 ms.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.607433 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Vocoder time: 72 ms.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.607559 [debug ] [20240123-082848-000] Streaming 8820 B of audio to the client.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.769195 [info ] [20240123-082848-000] Finished synthesizing 'Dzień dobry! Jak moogę Ci pomóc?' in 207 ms.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.769254 [info ] [20240123-082848-000] Audio length synthesized: 2776 ms.
2024-01-23 08:28:48.769307 [info ] [20240123-082848-000] Audio length sent: 2777 ms.
2024-01-23 08:28:51.237838 [info ] [dev] Session ended, finished sessions: 1, used resource: 32.
gRPC health-check¶
Service implements the HealthCheck interface recommended by the gRPC protocol guidelines, specified by the following proto definition:
syntax = "proto3";
option csharp_namespace = "Grpc.Health.V1";
message HealthCheckRequest {
string service = 1;
message HealthCheckResponse {
enum ServingStatus {
ServingStatus status = 1;
service Health {
rpc Check(HealthCheckRequest) returns (HealthCheckResponse);
The healthcheck service is available at the same address and port as the main TTS service (given in the start option –address).